Friday, January 10, 2014

Routing in IIS

I was going through the link below to understand the routing in IIS -

I found it useful and have noted few important points which might summarize the whole article.
Here are those points -

IIS URL Rewriting
The URL rewriting module analyzes the requested URL and changes it to a different URL on the same server.The URL rewriting module runs early in the request-processing pipeline, modifying the requested URL before the Web server decides which handler to use to process the request.

ASP.NET Routing
Developers can associate a certain URL with a handler that can process requests made to that URL.
ASP.NET routing is implemented as a managed-code module that plugs into the IIS request-processing pipeline at the Resolve Cache stage (PostResolveRequestCache event) and at the Map Handler stage (PostMapRequestHandler event).During the PostResolveRequestCache event, the module looks through a routing table for a route that matches the requested URL path. If a match is found, the module obtains a reference to the handler that corresponds to that route and saves the reference as part of the current HTTP context. A handler can be any .NET Framework object that implements the System.Web.IHttpHandler interface.
During the PostMapRequestHandler event, the module checks if the HTTP context contains any information about a handler. If it does, ASP.NET routing uses the information to set the Handler property of the current HTTP context. This ensures that during the Execute Handler stage, IIS will execute the handler that was selected by the routing module.

Difference between URL Rewriting and ASP.NET Routing -
1) The IIS URL Rewrite module can be used with any type of Web application, which includes ASP.NET, PHP, ASP, and static files. ASP.NET routing can be used only with .NET Framework-based Web applications.
2) The IIS URL Rewrite module works the same way regardless of whether integrated or classic IIS pipeline mode is used for the application pool. For ASP.NET routing, it is preferable to use integrated pipeline mode. ASP.NET routing can work in classic mode, but in that case the application URLs must include file name extensions or the application must be configured to use "*" handler mapping in IIS.
3) The IIS URL Rewrite module can make rewriting decisions based on domain names, HTTP headers, and server variables. By default, ASP.NET routing works only with URL paths and with the HTTP-Method header.
4) In addition to rewriting, the URL Rewrite module can perform HTTP redirection, issue custom status codes, and abort requests. ASP.NET routing does not perform these tasks.

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